Daily fresh & exotic flowers in Vienna blumen bouquets blumenbouquets Wien
Daily fresh & exotic flowers in Vienna blumen bouquets blumenbouquets Wien
We put together each of our flower bouquets personally for you and your requirements
Our flower bouquets are perfect for any of your occasions
We work with our customers on a personal level to avoid misunderstandings
You write to us on WhatsApp and we will get back to you as soon as possible
with you to accept your order
You tell us what you want: flowers, color, arrangement, size, occasion, etc.
Based on the information you give us, we will get to work and
send you a photo of your bouquet
If you are happy with your bouquet, we will send you your bouquet
by careful delivery or you can pick it up in our store!
You can pay by bank transfer or by link.
Lerchenfelder Straße 6,3.41080 Vienna, Austria
Відкрито сьогодні | 09:00 – 19:00 |
© 2023 Florgalerie
On the Godaddy Airo platform
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